Health Care

  • Choledochal Cyst

    Choledochal Cyst


  • Pregnancy Diet How to Improve Mother Health and Growth of Fetus

    Pregnancy Diet How to Improve Mother Health and Growth of Fetus During the Nine Months of Pregnancy , Many Factors that Influence the Outcome of Pregnancy the Fetus is Wholly Dependant for his nourishment on his mother.

  • Cesarean Section Indications Nursing Care for LSCS Operation

    Cesarean Section Indications Nursing Care for LSCS Operation Definition of Cesarean Section ; It is a surgical procedure usually after the end of the 28th week of gestation made an incision through the abdominal wall and uterus wall to deliver the fetus through the abdominal wall. It is on Operative procedure

  • Low Birth Weight New Born Care and Nursing Assessment

    Low Birth Weight Newborn Care and Nursing Assessment Low Birth Weight  New Born care is very essential to preserve LBW baby  Low Birth Weight  Neonates Weighting less than 2500 gm irrespective of gestational age at birth are termed  as Low Birth Weight . These includes Preterm and Term babies

  • Nebulizer Machine Uses of Neutralization Therapy

    Nebulizer Machine Uses Nebulizer therapy is used to liquefy and remove retained Respiratory secretions from the respiratory tract. to improve individual Health condition  What is Nebulizer Definition of Nebulizer A nebulizer is a Medical device that Converts liquid medicine a stable aerosol or drug particles.